Sunday, October 31, 2010

Black Bean Quesadilla


A quick and simple week night meal, altered slightly to be more healthful.  The key to this makeover is the tortilla.  I used to always buy regular tortillas, but they are far from whole grain.  I have found whole wheat tortillas at the food co-op but even they have a blend of whole wheat flour and regular flour.  Then a friend of mine from India clued me in on a fact I was not aware of - they only cook with whole wheat flour in India, they don't have white flour over there! 


So, I ventured into the local Indian grocer and found Traditional Indian Roti that are made from whole wheat! They don't taste exactly like tortillas, but they were close enough and I feel much better about using them instead!

Whole wheat flour tortillas
1 can black beans
shredded pepperjack cheese
chopped lettuce
chopped tomatoes
sour cream

Lightly oil a griddle, or a skillet and crisp up the tortillas. Put them on a cookie sheet and then all you do is put some black beans on it and a very small amount of the pepperjack cheese - a little goes a long way.  Cook them for about 10-15 minutes in a 400 degree oven until the cheese is bubbly.  When you remove them, put on your plate and pile up the goodness of lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, sour cream, salsa, or anything else you like.  They are AWESOME!

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